Scam-Proof Your Assets
Appendix A
Fight Back!
Cyber criminality must end.
We must fight back to end it.
Every time an attempt is made on you or your family—whether successful or not—you must report it.
- Start with Congress. Tell your Senators and Representatives to take action. Now. Demand that this crime wave end. You can find their contact information here:
- Senators: – On the very top of the page, there is a drop down menu that says “Find Your Senators”. Use the drop down to choose your state. You will then be given contact information for your senators.
- House Representative: – On the very top of the page, there is a box that says “Find Your Representative” that asks for your zip code. Enter your zip code and the contact information for your representative will be given.
- Report Cyber Crimes to IC3. They report how many cases occur each year. Their numbers do not provide the complete picture because too many people don’t report. Please report! You will be helping everyone. You can submit a report at:
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) will thoroughly review and evaluate your complaint and refer it to the appropriate federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the matter. IC3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National White Collar Crime Center (funded, in part, by the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance).
- Report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at Don’t google this name. Some links take you to the wrong place. If you want to keep a copy of your report print it straight away as online availability is limited.
- File with your State Authorities.
- To find your Attorney General:, click “Who’s my Attorney General” at the top of the page. They are then listed alphabetically by state.
- To find your state’s consumer protection office: – Use the drop down menu to find your state’s contact information.
- For utility fraud: Contact your state utility commission at: You can also contact the National Consumer Telecom & Utilities Exchange at to get a copy of your disclosure report. This is sort of a utilities credit report. You can check to see if accounts that are not yours have been reported in your name.
- File a local police report. Most areas have an online reporting option. Please let us know if your local police department does anything.
- Report unwanted calls or texts, including illegal and spoofed robocalls, at
It is imperative that you report every problem or attempted scam to Congress and the IC3. Demand that action be taken. Demand that criminals be prosecuted for your future personal security and our country’s security.