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Available in all 50 States

Expert Registered Agent Services in Wyoming and Nevada

In the case of a lawsuit, it is important to be notified as soon as possible since most states only allow you 30 days to answer the complaint. Without an answer, you will typically lose the case. It is important to deal with a professional, established company that will get notices to you promptly. 

Every corporation, LLC, or Limited Partnership must have a registered agent (also known as a “resident agent,” “statutory agent” or “agent of process”) in their state of formation and in any state the company qualifies to do business in. The registered agent ensures you receive all important legal documents such as service of process (meaning a notice of a lawsuit) and official governmental notices.

Corporate Direct is fully equipped to deliver Registered Agent services in both Wyoming and Nevada. Our team operates with a profound understanding of the local regulatory landscapes, ensuring compliance and prompt handling of all legal documents. With our extensive expertise, Corporate Direct is your reliable resident agent partner in facilitating the seamless operation of your business in these jurisdictions.

How it Works

Corporate Direct knows the importance of getting notice of a lawsuit immediately. We will communicate with you using all contact methods possible as soon as we receive the service of the process. While our in-house attorney Garrett Sutton specializes in asset protection rather than litigation, he is available for a reasonably priced consultation should you wish to speak with him and get general guidance as to your immediate next steps after being served.

Also, when Corporate Direct is your registered agent, all official mail (county, state, federal) is forwarded to you at no charge. You may choose to have your mail forwarded by regular postal mail or we can scan and email non-sensitive mail to you. Due to postal service delays, having your mail scanned to you can be a great benefit – especially if you’re an international client.

If Corporate Direct is your registered agent, you will also have the option to be enrolled in our maintenance services. We will notify you when it’s time to take care of corporate formalities for all of your entities and for a small service fee we will take care of all the work for you if you choose.

Professional. Reliable. Affordable.

Years in Business

Happy Clients

$145 Annually

Why Registered Agent Is Important?

In the case of a lawsuit, it is important to be notified as soon as possible since most states only allow you 30 days to answer the complaint. Without an answer, you will typically lose the case. It is important to deal with a professional, established company that will get notices to you promptly. That’s why we ensure statutory compliance by providing a reliable point of contact for legal correspondence and maintain privacy by separating personal addresses from public records. In Wyoming and Nevada, where asset protection is strong and corporate anonymity valued, a Resident Agent is a critical shield against unwanted scrutiny and a conduit for crucial legal and tax-related documents.

If Corporate Direct forms your entities, your first year of registered agent services are covered in the initial formation fee. But if you have already formed your entities elsewhere or on your own, have no fear! We can still help you. It’s easy to switch to Corporate Direct.

Make the Switch
Registered Agent Sertvice
Switch your existing entities to Corporate Direct

We'll Cover the Filing Fees

Already formed your entity and just looking for a professional, reliable resident agent? Switch your entities to Corporate Direct today to save money and gain superior customer service. We'll even cover your filing fees to switch — up to $60 per entity!

Mail Forwarding

Available for entities formed in NV and WY

$360 Annually

Corporate Direct offers Address Service as an optional and additional service, which allows those with entities formed in these states the use of a physical Nevada or Wyoming address for your entity’s business correspondence. Address Service allows you to:

  • Use Corporate Direct’s physical address on your business cards, checks, invoices, advertising, company website, stationery and letterhead.
  • Provide your banks, lenders, customers, vendors, etc. with Corporate Direct’s physical address so that mail arrives in our office, keeping your contact information confidential.
  • Weekly confidential mail forwarding.
  • You will not receive junk mail.

Please note: Magazines, catalogs and/or packages are not forwarded as part of this program. Forwarding packages that arrive in error at our address are subject to an additional package handling fee.

You must be a client of Corporate Direct with an entity out of NV or WY in order to use this service. Please contact your Incorporating Specialist for more information.