An Evolving Way To Attack Assets Piercing the corporate veil. It sounds painful, and it is. A judgment is entered against a corporation with no assets. To collect the court allows the judgment creditor (the winner in the case) to pierce through the corporation and...
Books by Garrett Sutton Articles and Resources
Is Bitcoin a Scam? Scam-Proof Your Assets
Scam-Proof Your Assets: Guarding Against Widespread Deception, my newest Rich Dad Advisor book in several years, was released near the end of 2020. Cyber criminality is everywhere, costing people not only financial losses but emotional damage as well. You must be...
Are Reverse Mortgages a Scam?
Scam-Proof Your Assets: Guarding Against Widespread Deception comes out in October. It is my newest Rich Dad Advisor book in several years. It covers the very important issue of cyber criminality now harming all of us. The monetary losses are staggering. The emotional...
How To Present Your Business Plan
Business plans are meant to be seen. Whether you wrote your plan to attract funding or to help with management, you will need to show the plan to someone. If you wrote your business plan in order to attract funding and/or investment, you will need to get the plan into...