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Investing In Digital Assets: The New Wyoming Blockchain Mecca

Blockchain technology is becoming ever more prevalent in today’s highly technological world, and Wyoming has recognized this. The Wyoming State Legislature has passed 13 bills that will allow it to become the gold standard for blockchain technology, far outpacing the other 49 states. From these bills, there are several noticeable advantages to both cryptocurrency investors and blockchain technology companies.

On September 1, 2019, Wyoming will authorize banks to be “qualified custodians” for digital assets. These custodians are unique because they will respect the investors’ direct ownership of digital assets. Unlike the counterparties that exist with other asset management structures, these digital asset custodians will only be service providers to the investors. It is also worth noting that rehypothecation is illegal in Wyoming. This means that investors can be sure that all of their cryptocurrency investment will be theirs alone, not divided up into interests. All of these laws will ensure that digital asset owners have a legal certainty to know the nature of the custodial relationship and how their assets are treated.

On top of allowing current banks to be qualified custodians, Wyoming will also be the first state to authorize a depository institution to exclusively provide banking services to blockchain and other cryptocurrency businesses. These banks are allowed to start operating as soon as March 31, 2020.

Attracting New Business

To attract business to these institutions, the Equality State has crafted laws that are very favorable to cryptocurrency investors. Wyoming has become the first state to recognize both certificated and uncertificated shares of blockchain stock. The state’s money transmitter law has exempted crypto-to-crypto transactions, and the state’s securities laws have exempted utility tokens. All of this will allow cryptocurrency trading to thrive in Wyoming.

In order for these accounts to gain Wyoming’s legal protections, all that is needed is a Wyoming LLC to hold digital assets. With this easy structure, Wyoming’s favorable laws can apply. For extra protection, Corporate Direct provides a service called Armor-8. We set up the Wyoming LLC and store the LLC certificate in a safe at a Wyoming bank. Because the personal property (the LLC certificate) is in Wyoming, aggressive states like California will have to acknowledge Wyoming law.

Wyoming is at the forefront of something that could have a significant impact on the rest of the 21st Century. If you invest in digital assets, now is the time to set up a Wyoming LLC for maximum protection.